Click below to report a student absence.
Important information about ATTENDANCE
Positive attendance supports your student’s achievement. Every day a student misses school, he/she is at risk of falling behind academically. Not only is the missed day lost, the return day is spent catching up. Every day a student attends school is also a lesson in responsibility and commitment.
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year, which is equivalent to 18 days out of a 180-day school year, regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused. Truancy refers to unexcused full day or partial day absences only.
If your child will be absent, please notify the school by sending a note with your child or using the Attendance Reporting Form. Your note should include student information (name, grade, SID), date(s) of absence, reason for absence, parent/guardian information (name, signature, phone number), and additional details (optional). Parents/guardians must clear all absences within 5 school days of the student’s return to school.
Please click here for the most detailed up to date Attendance Parent Notification.
Excused Absences (examples) Parent Vue (Exc) |
Unexcused Absences (examples) ParentVue (Unx) |
Sample Attendance Interventions |
Early Out Procedures and Suggestions |