Wellness Center
At Lakewood High Wellness Center, we provide access to trusted adults, local community resources and services such as counseling, community engagement, empowerment workshops, case management and peer-to-peer support. The vision is to provide a range of resources to support students and families in meeting the challenges of adolescence through prevention, early-intervention and education, in a safe and convenient place - at school.
Below are some of the services and interventions we provide:
- Short Term Counseling Services (Individual/Group)
- Social Service Needs Assessments/Linkages
- Empowerment/Educational Workshops
- Peer Mentorship/Counseling
- Parent Support Groups
- Student and Family Advocacy & Case Management
- Special Interest Activities (Art, Mindfulness, Yoga)
- Basic Needs Closet (Snacks/Toiletries/School Supplies)
- Community Resources
- Classroom/Staff Presentations